Mikado Kyowa Seed (MKS) and Vilmorin SA are international companies specialized in breeding, production and sales of vegetable seeds for professional growers.
来自日本的米可多协和种业 (MKS)和来自法国的威马种业是两家面向专业农户从事蔬菜种子育种,生产和销售的国际型公司。
Both companies are subsidiaries of the international cooperative Group Limagrain, specialized in field and vegetable seeds and cereal products. Limagrain is founded and directed by farmers and is the European leader and the 4th largest seed company worldwide.
两公司同为利马格兰集团旗下的子公司。利马格兰集团的主要业务包括大田种业,蔬菜种业和谷物加工。利马格兰集团由法国农场主于1942 年创建,并一直为他们所有。目前是欧洲领先,世界排名第4 位的种业集团。
Mikado Kyowa Seed (MKS) and Vilmorin SA are international companies specialized in breeding, production and sales of veget...